Yurtdışı Sunumlar
1) Plants, Women and Life in a Central Anatolian Village. Washington Üniversitesi, 17 Kasım 1995, St. Louis, ABD.
2) Pounders and Grinders in a Modern Central Anatolian Village. Round Table, 30 Kasım - 2 Aralık 1995, Clermont-Ferrand, Fransa.
3) The Tradition of Wild Plant Gathering in an Anatolian Village. Society for American Archaeology Kongresi, Ethnoarchaeology of Subsistence and Socioeconomic Systems Workshop, 11 Nisan 1996, New Orleans, ABD.
4) Plant Gathering in Anatolia. Plants for Food and Medicine Konferansi, Society of Economic Botany Toplantisi, Imperial College, 2 Haziran 1996, Londra, İngiltere.
5) Wild Plants for Food and Medicine (Poster Presentation). International Conference on Medicinal Plants: Utilization, Trade and Cultural Traditions. 16-19 Subat 1988, Bangalore, Hindistan.
6) The Ethnobotany of Roots and Tubers in Central Turkey. 11th Symposium of the International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany. 18-23 Mayıs 1999, Toulouse, Fransa.
7) Plants used in domestic handicrafts in Central Turkey. The Society for Economic Botany Annual Meeting 1998, 13-17 Temmuz 1998, Aarhus, Danimarka.
8) Some Ethnoarchaeological Observations from Turkey Concerning Use-Wear Analysis, Semenov Symposium, St. Petersburg 31 Ocak-4 Subat 2000, St.Petersburg, Rusya.
9) An Ethnobotanical Research in Friday Markets of Bodrum (Muğla, Turkey), Third International Congress of Ethnobotany, 22-30 Eylül, 2001, Napoli, İtalya.
10) Various Aspects of Wild Plant Gathering in Agricultural Societies: Two case studies from Anatolia. EARTH- Early Agricultural Remnants and Technical Heritage Workshop: Agricultural Practice in its Environmental and Cultural Context. 24-28 Kasim 2001, St. Martin de Vesubie, Nice, Fransa.
11) Plant Gathering Tradition in Rural Areas of Turkey and Iran, The First International Conference on the Ancient Cultural Relations between Iran and Western Asia, 16-18 Ağustos 2003, Tahran, İran.
12) Wild Food Plants of the Past and Present, 3rd International Symposium on Mediterranean Food, 26-28 Şubat 2004, European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), Barcelona, İspanya.
13) Wild Food Plants: Supplements of Routine Diets or Famine Foods?, Ninth International Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology, 12-18 Haziran 2004, University of Kent, Canterbury, İngiltere.
14) Ertuğ, F. ve İhsan Çalış "Indispensable Partners- an overview on ethnobotanical and pharmacognostic research in Turkey, XIth OPTIMA Meeting, 5-11 Eylül 2004, Belgrat, Sırbistan.
15) The Continuity of Gathering Wild Plant Foods and Taste, EARTH Meeting First Plenary Workshop, 11-13 Mart 2005, Glasgow, İskoçya.
16) Rise and Fall of an Integrated Economy: Linseed Oil Production of Cappadocia-Central Anatolia, EARTH Team 1 Workshop, 3-5 Haziran 2005, Asturias, Spain.
17) Some thoughts on the main crops, minor crops and wild plants, EARTH Plenary Meeting, 2-6 Şubat 2006, Leiden, Hollanda.
18) Women's "silent persistence", networks and roles in transmitting knowledge. EARTH second workshop of Team2, 26-28 Mayıs 2006, Tafroute, Fas.
19) Storage in Anatolia, EARTH Project Plenary Meeting, Granada, 9-11 Şubat 2007, Granada, İspanya.
20) Contemporary wild plant use (Chapter 10 presentation of Team Book 1) in EARTH 3rd Group Meeting: “Understanding local diversity”, 5-9 Temmuz, Brig, İsviçre.